7 Best AI Keyword Research Tools of 2024 (Ranked)

7 Best AI Keyword Research Tools of 2024 (Ranked)

“I love doing keyword research”, said no SEO ever.

While it’s not always pleasant, keyword research is definitely necessary.

The good news is that AI can now handle most of your SEO needs – including keyword research.

And with the right AI keyword research tools, you ensure your content reaches the right audience.

No more guessing (and praying) for your content will be effective.

Keep reading for the best AI keyword research tools right now.

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What Are The Best AI Keyword Research Tools?

Here are the best AI keyword research tools to consider.

1. Claude AI

Claude AI

Claude AI isn’t just another keyword research tool.

It’s a tool that understands your audience’s mindset and provides a comprehensive view of your topic.

Using advanced language models, Claude dives deep into what searchers are after.

Claude can generate a web of related keywords and topics with these insights.

Think of it as having an AI brainstorming session that never runs dry.

Claude AI example

After you have your keywords, you can query this language model to get actionable insights.

You can ask it questions about what should go into your content.

For example, you can get detailed instructions on your audience’s specific pain points.

To unlock Claude’s full potential, start with a broad topic and let it work its magic.

The more questions you ask, the better your keyword research becomes.


  • Advanced language models: The data comes from millions of parameters. This allows Claude to create great output. This depth of knowledge enables it to provide nuanced keyword suggestions and content insights.
  • Comprehensive topic analysis: Claude can dive deep into topics by processing vast information. It can also uncover related subtopics and nuances.
  • Generates related keywords and topics: Claude’s advanced understanding of language and context helps it develop interconnected keywords and topics.
  • Provides actionable insights: Claude doesn’t just list keywords -it offers specific advice on how to use them effectively in your content strategy.


  • Deep understanding of audience mindset: Claude can infer user intent and preferences, helping you tailor your content more effectively.
  • Endless brainstorming capabilities: Claude’s AI never runs out of ideas, continuously generating new keyword suggestions and content angles.
  • Can answer specific questions about content creation: Its conversational interface allows you to ask follow-up questions.
  • Adaptable to broad topics: Claude can start with a general topic and progressively narrow it down to specific keywords and subtopics.


  • Multiple queries may be required: To explore a topic fully, you might need to ask Claude several questions.
  • Effectiveness depends on the quality of user prompts: The more specific and well-formulated your queries, the better Claude’s responses will be. Giving the right query comes with a learning curve.

2. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is like your personal content optimization coach.

Known for on-page SEO features, it allows you to know exactly what (and how many) keywords to use in your content.

It’s also (recently) gotten content creation capabilities that make it a must-have for marketers.

Surfer SEO’s holistic approach to content optimization sets it apart from other tools.

It doesn’t just give you keywords – it shows you how to use them effectively.

So how does it work?

The tool analyzes top-ranking pages for your target keywords.

Surfer SEO example

It then provides insights on structuring your content for maximum impact.

Here’s a simple workflow to get the most out of Surfer SEO (while integrating it into your content creation workflow):

  • Start by analyzing your target keywords
  • Aim to really understand what content performs well in your niche.
  • Then, use Surfer AI to generate drafts or outlines based on data-driven insights.
  • Use the suggested keywords naturally while keeping a reader-first approach.

As you refine your content, use Surfer’s optimization suggestions to ensure you hit all the right notes for search engines and readers.

And with Surfer SEO, you’ll have an SEO expert guiding you.


  • On-page SEO optimization: Surfer analyzes successful pages to provide specific recommendations.
  • Content creation capabilities: Recently added AI-driven content generation helps create SEO-friendly drafts.
  • Analyzes top-ranking pages: Surfer provides data-driven insights for content creation based on the top-ranking pages.
  • Provides content structure insights: Surfer recommends headings, paragraphs, and overall content organization.


  • A holistic approach to content optimization: Surfer doesn’t just focus on keywords but provides a comprehensive strategy for content improvement.
  • Guides keyword usage and content structure: The tool offers specific recommendations on incorporating keywords naturally.
  • Integrates into content creation workflow: This can be used throughout the content creation process – from initial research to final optimization.
  • Offers data-driven insights: All recommendations are based on analysis of successful content.


  • It may require balancing SEO suggestions with a reader-first approach: There’s a risk of over-optimizing for search engines (at the expense of readability).
  • It could be overwhelming for beginners. The wealth of data and recommendations might be too complex for those new to SEO.

3. Exploding Topics

 Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics is about spotting trends before everyone else does.

The aim? To give you a head start in your industry.

What makes Exploding Topics unique is its focus on growth.

It shows you what’s gaining momentum, not just what’s popular now.

By catching these rising stars early, you can establish yourself as a leader in emerging markets or niches.

Regularly check your industry’s trends to make the most of Exploding Topics.

Pay attention to the growth data.

This data is your roadmap to a future-proof content strategy.

 Exploding Topics example

Integrating these up-and-coming keywords into your content means you’re not just following trends.

You’re setting them.

This also helps capture traffic before your competitors even realize what’s happening.


  • Trend spotting: Exploding Topics uses data analysis to identify emerging trends across various industries – before they become mainstream.
  • Growth-focused analysis: Emphasizes topics and keywords gaining momentum rather than just current popular terms.
  • Industry-specific insights: Provides trend data tailored to specific sectors, allowing for more targeted keyword strategies.


  • Identifies emerging trends early: You can capitalize on growing topics before they become highly competitive.
  • Helps establish leadership in new markets or niches: You can position yourself as an early adopter and thought leader.
  • Provides future-proof content strategy: Focusing on growing trends helps ensure your content remains relevant as interests evolve.


  • Requires regular checking for optimal use: Trends can change quickly, so frequent monitoring is necessary to stay ahead.
  • It may not provide an in-depth analysis of current popular topics. The focus on emerging trends might mean less coverage of established, high-volume keywords.

4. Glimpse


Think of Glimpse as Google Trends on steroids.

It excels in identifying emerging search trends across various categories.

Glimpse’s standout feature is its broad coverage.

This platform also spans various industries and niches, making it invaluable for businesses in specialized or rapidly evolving markets.

With Glimpse, you can spot opportunities that mainstream tools might miss.

You can watch trends not just in your industry – but in related fields as well.

 Glimpse example

And we all know how important it is to stay updated on what’s happening around you.

After all, innovative ideas often come from cross-pollination between different sectors.

With Glimpse’s insights, you can inform your content strategy, product development, and overall business direction.


  • Broad coverage across various industries: Analyzes trends and keywords across various sectors, providing a comprehensive market view.
  • Trend identification in specialized markets: Capable of spotting niche trends that might be missed by more generalist tools.
  • Cross-industry insights: Identifies connections and trends that span multiple sectors.


  • Valuable for businesses in niche or evolving markets: Provides insights for sectors that might be underserved by traditional keyword research tools.
  • Informs content strategy and product development: Trend data can guide content creation and product innovation.
  • Facilitates cross-pollination of ideas: Showing trends across industries can inspire unique content angles and business strategies.


  • May provide overwhelming amounts of data: The breadth of information could be difficult to parse without a clear focus.
  • Could require additional analysis to apply insights effectively: Translating broad trend data into actionable keyword strategies might need extra work.

5. SearchVolume.io


SearchVolume.io is the no-frills tool you need for quick keyword popularity checks.

And the best part?

It’s completely free.

What makes SearchVolume.io so practical is its straightforwardness.

Type in a keyword, and bam – you get its search volume.

No complicated dashboards or steep learning curves.

It’s perfect for those brainstorming moments when you need to quickly gauge your ideas.

You can also use SearchVolume.io for quick comparisons between different keyword variations.

SearchVolume.io example

Need help deciding which term to use in your content or ads?

Just type it into this tool.

While it might not offer the depth of analysis paid tools provide, it’s a fantastic starting point.

Sometimes, the simplest tools can be the most effective.


  • Free to use: Provides basic keyword volume data without any cost.
  • Quick keyword popularity checks: Offers immediate search volume data for inputted keywords.
  • Simple interface: Designed for easy use with a straightforward, no-frills approach.


  • Straightforward and easy to use: The tool’s simplicity makes it accessible even to those new to keyword research.
  • Perfect for quick brainstorming sessions: Allows for rapid checking of keyword ideas without committing to a full research session.
  • Allows quick comparisons between keyword variations: It is easy to input multiple related keywords and compare their search volumes.
  • No learning curve: Can be used effectively immediately without learning complex features.


  • Limited depth of analysis compared to paid tools: Provides only search volume, lacking more advanced metrics like keyword difficulty or SERP analysis.
  • May lack advanced features for comprehensive research: Not suitable for in-depth keyword research or content planning on its own.

6. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is the gold standard for comprehensive keyword research.

It’s also an all-time favorite in the SEO tools arena.

The platform offers a wide range of features beyond keyword research.

You’re not just getting surface-level information.

You’re getting detailed metrics on keyword difficulty, search volume, and competitive analysis.

This insight is crucial for a robust SEO strategy.

To maximize Ahrefs, start with their free Keyword Explorer tool to uncover new opportunities and assess their potential.

Pay attention to keyword difficulty scores to gauge ranking challenges.

Then, don’t miss their Content Explorer.

This tool is great for finding popular content in your niche and identifying keyword gaps.


  • Comprehensive keyword research: Offers a wide range of keyword data, including volume, difficulty, and related terms.
  • Detailed metrics on keyword difficulty and search volume: Provides specific scores and numbers to help prioritize keyword targets.
  • Competitive analysis: This allows you to see what keywords competitors are ranking for and how.
  • Content Explorer tool: Helps find popular content in your niche and identify gaps.


  • An industry-standard tool with a wide range of features: Offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools beyond just keyword research.
  • Provides in-depth SEO insights: Gives detailed data on backlinks, organic search traffic, and more.
  • Useful for uncovering new opportunities: Can find untapped keywords and content ideas based on competitor analysis.


  • Paid tool: The comprehensive feature set has a higher price tag than some alternatives.
  • Can be complex for beginners: There’s quite a big learning curve to use Ahrefs to its full capacity.

7. Keyword Insights

Keyword Insights

Keyword Insights goes beyond traditional keyword research by focusing on the ‘why’ behind searches.

Think of it like a mind reader for your audience.

The real value of Keyword Insights lies in its intent classification.

It helps you understand what content will best satisfy the searcher’s needs.

Plus, it offers guidance on content types that match each intent.

In other words, this tool’s intent classification is great when you want to mix:

  • transactional
  • informationall
  • and navigational content.

Think of it as meeting your audience at various stages of their journey.


  • Focus on search intent: Analyze keywords to understand the purpose behind the search, not just the words used.
  • Intent classification: Categorizes keywords based on user intent (e.g., informational, transactional, navigational).
  • Content type guidance: Suggests the most appropriate content formats based on the identified search intent.


  • Useful for balancing different types of content: Ensures a mix of content that addresses various user needs and intents.
  • Helps meeting audience needs at various journey stages: Helps create a content strategy that addresses the full customer journey.


  • May require additional tools: While excellent for intent analysis, it might need to be supplemented with other tools for complete keyword data.
  • Could be overly focused on intent The emphasis on intent might make it tough to think of other important factors like search volume or competition.

Traditional Keyword Research vs. Modern AI Solutions

Let’s face it: traditional keyword research can feel like navigating a maze without a map.

The tedious, manual process is time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies.

While humans can do many things, processing vast amounts of data efficiently isn’t one of them.

This is precisely where AI steps in.

AI-driven keyword research introduces speed and efficiency that manual methods simply can’t match.

Imagine processing and analyzing data across thousands of web pages in seconds.

That’s exactly what AI does. It excels in uncovering those niche, long-tail keywords that traditional methods often miss.

As a result, you get many opportunities for precise keyword targeting.

But it doesn’t stop there.

AI goes beyond merely identifying keywords – it also understands context.

It digs into the ‘why’ behind user searches.

And this gives you insights into user intent that are invaluable for content creation.

There’s also competitor analysis.

With its ability to perform competitive research (quickly), AI helps you see what your competitors:

  • are doing right and
  • what they need to improve.

This gives you the edge to fill those content gaps and strategically position your offerings.

And all this is crucial if you want to stand out in any crowded marketplace.

What Makes The Ideal AI Keyword Research Tool?

First off, a top-tier AI tool offers comprehensive keyword suggestions.

It draws from a vast database to suggest high-volume keywords and valuable variations.

These tools don’t just guess at search volumes and keyword difficulty.

They connect to data sources that provide precise metrics.


Accurate metrics mean every decision you make is informed and data-driven.

But that’s just the beginning.

An exceptional tool comes with features like competitor analysis and content gap discovery.

Think of this as “peeking behind the curtain”.

You see what your competitors are targeting and spotting opportunities they’ve missed.

The most forward-thinking tools also incorporate predictive analytics for trend forecasting.

Predictive analytics help you anticipate shifts in user interests and market dynamics.

And if you’re looking to streamline your SEO workflow, you can also look into additional features.

Features like:

  • content brief generation
  • backlink analysis
  • and SERP tracking

…are invaluable.

They turn an ordinary tool into an all-encompassing SEO suite.


The right AI keyword research tool does more than just aid your SEO efforts.

It makes your whole SEO approach so much better.

Your chosen tools should offer a blend of sophistication, ease of use, and depth.

As an SEO, using AI in keyword research saves you time and opens up new avenues for strategic planning.

And when creating content, knowing you’re moving in the right direction is priceless.

Further reading on AdamEnfroy.com: Looking to improve your SEO strategy?

Check out our guide on the best AI SEO tools I use in my business.

For a comprehensive list of top-performing tools, explore the 27 best SEO tools of 2024.

Then, if YouTube is your focus, don’t miss the best YouTube SEO tools to help boost your channel.

You can also stay on top of your search rankings with these keyword rank tracking software tools.

You can also learn how to automate your marketing efforts with this list of AI marketing tools.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.