15 Best YouTube Niches: Most Profitable in 2024

15 Best YouTube Niches: Most Profitable in 2024

While scrolling through YouTube, you land on what seems like a “normal channel” in your niche.

But the more videos you watch on this channel, the more you become aware of one simple fact.

This channel owner is making money in so many ways:

  • He’s recommending other people’s products.
  • He’s advertising his community.
  • He’s also asking you to sign up for his email newsletter (which contains sponsor links).
  • Each video comes pre-loaded with different ads.

And that’s when you realize 2 things:

  1. The owner is making it rain through YouTube and
  2. Nothing is stopping you from doing the same thing yourself!

In this article, I share the best and most profitable YouTube niches to get into.

While I’ll start with the more significant (i.e., parent) niche, you’ll also get plenty of sub-niche ideas.

And if you’re wondering why you can trust me, I have a YouTube channel with over 200k subscribers, so I know what I’m talking about.

If you’re curious about potential earnings, check out how much money you can make on YouTube with 1000 subscribers.

What are The Best YouTube Niches for Success?

Here are the best YouTube niches to get into.

1. Tech Reviews

Most people get into tech because of the potential money they could earn.

And they’re not wrong.

Tech reviews are a magnet for advertisers with deep pockets.

Those shiny gadgets don’t come cheap, and companies are willing to shell out big bucks to get their products in front of eager tech enthusiasts.

Even better, tech isn’t just a one-hit wonder.

Every time a new device hits the market, you have instant content that people are itching to watch.

But what about the audience?

These people are engaged, passionate, and often have serious cash to splash.

Advertisers love that, and you should too!

Tech reviews also open up a whole world of monetization opportunities.

Affiliate marketing? Check.

Sponsored reviews? You bet.

Selling your own merch or digital products? Absolutely!

The possibilities are as endless as the latest smartphone features.

Here’s a pro tip: don’t just be another face in the tech crowd.

Find your niche within the niche.

Are you a smartphone guru?

A gaming console connoisseur?

Or maybe you’re all about those sleek laptops?

Pick your sub-niche and own it!

2. Personal Finance

From saving for that dream vacation to investing in your future, personal finance touches every part of our lives.

With the economy always keeping us on our toes, there’s always something new to learn.

Now, you might think, ‘Finance? Boring!’

But trust me, it’s anything but.

There are so many cool tools and apps out there to help you manage people’s money.

And all of them usually come in at a monthly subscription you can get a piece of.

There was a time when I was getting quite a bit into this niche on my blog.

(It just didn’t align with my blog vision at the end. But apart from that it’s a great niche to build an audience around.)

In fact, building a community around personal finance is like creating your own little money-savvy family.

You can share tips, celebrate wins, and maybe commiserate over those impulse purchases you regret.

(No judgment here!)

3. Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

From crushing gym goals to mindful meditation, health and fitness covers it all.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re into powerlifting or prefer the zen of yoga.

The best part?

This journey is all about you sharing what you learn with your audience.

Your goals, your progress, your victories.

And trust me, nothing beats the feeling of hitting that personal best or finally nailing that tricky pose.

Now, let’s talk about sub niches.

The obvious one is fitness gear.

From high-tech fitness trackers to that perfect pair of running shoes, there’s always something new to explore.

The aim is to show your audience what’s worth their hard-earned cash.

But it’s not just about the physical stuff.

Mental health is a huge part of overall wellness.

You could dive into stress-busting techniques, mindfulness practices, and how to keep that brain as fit as your biceps.

Combine that with self-development, and you might create a new sub-niche from two separate niches.

4. Beauty and Makeup

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, as they say.

This niche is all about visual appeal – but the appeal YOU find interesting.

Your content can revolve around tutorials, reviews, and how-to videos.

These formats allow you to demonstrate techniques, share your honest opinions, and help your audience achieve their desired looks.

Collaborations with beauty brands can be a game-changer in this niche.

They’ll help expand your reach and grow your audience while giving you access to the latest products and trends.

In terms of money-making opportunities?

Affiliate marketing is where you can really shine in this niche.

Beauty products often come with high commission rates, and there’s a dedicated consumer base always eager for recommendations.

Your honest reviews and recommendations will build trust with your audience, driving significant product sales.

Just remember that the beauty community is passionate and active on social media.

Engage with your viewers through comments and social platforms to increase your visibility.

Then, build a community around shared interests in makeup and skincare.

Your visually appealing content won’t just attract viewers – it can directly drive product sales.

5. Gaming

Gaming is a cultural phenomenon with a dedicated following.

You’re tapping into a massive, global audience as a gaming content creator.

As such, your content pipeline will never run dry.

With new games constantly hitting the market, you’ll always have fresh material to cover.

Plus, the diverse range of gaming genres means you can cater to various viewer preferences.

You could also decide to specialize in a particular niche.

Similar to other niches, remember the focus should be on people.

In this niche, you’re not just playing games.

Instead, you’re building a community, sharing experiences, and creating content that resonates with fellow gaming enthusiasts.

Overall, your passion for gaming can translate into a thriving channel.

And this channel comes with multiple income streams you can explore.

6. Travel Vlogging

Travel Vlogging

As a travel vlogger, you’re selling dreams through experiences.

And if you can do that through stunning visuals and immersive content (while keeping the focus on your audience), you’re ahead of many competitors.

Your viewers will be drawn to the beauty of the destinations you visit and the adventures you share.

Your channel also opens doors to exciting collaborations.

Tourism boards and hotels are often eager to work with travel content creators, offering sponsored trips in exchange for exposure.

You’ll also find opportunities for brand partnerships with travel-related products.


  • Luggage makers
  • Camera companies
  • Hotels and hostels
  • And so much more.

To stand out in this competitive niche, consider focusing on specific areas.

You could specialize in visiting certain destinations.

You could go for travel styles like budget or luxury travel.

You could even consider themes such as solo travel or family adventures.

Creating in-depth travel guides and itineraries is also another potential avenue.

Here, you’ll do the work once and keep getting the rewards after that.

With these itineraries, you can attract a dedicated audience looking for detailed, practical information.

Whether it’s itineraries or otherwise, don’t overlook the potential of creating and selling your own products.

This could be travel-related merchandise, digital guides, or even your line of travel gear.

Your unique travel experiences and insights are valuable.

When you package them into products your audience will love (and find useful), you’ll be able to leave your mark in the travel vlogging industry.

7. Educational Content

Think YouTube is just for entertainment?

Think again!

Educational content is taking over the platform.

It’s a niche that’s not just profitable but also incredibly rewarding.

Here’s why.

First off, there’s a consistent demand that’s hard to beat.

Education isn’t some passing trend—it’s a constant need for people of all ages.

Whether you’re teaching calculus to college students or showing retirees how to take up watercolor painting, there’s always an audience hungry for knowledge.

But here’s the biggest reason: the diversity of topics you can cover is mind-boggling.

Academic subjects?


Practical skills?


Quirky hobbies?

You bet!

This variety allows you to cater to a wide audience.

It also opens up the potential for long-term viewer relationships.

After all, learning is a lifelong journey, right?

There’s also another important point.

Educational content isn’t just about warm fuzzies—it can become a serious cash cow.

You’ve got your standard YouTube ad revenue, sure.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg and nothing to write home about (unless you’re doing trillions of views).

Instead, imagine creating online courses based on your most popular videos.

Platforms like these make it easy:

…for those (super) fans who want exclusive content.

Overall, educational content isn’t just good for your bank account—it’s good for your soul.

There’s something incredibly fulfilling about helping others learn and grow.

8. DIY and Craft Tutorials

Roll up your sleeves and grab your glue gun.

You’re about to dive into the world of DIY and craft tutorials.

This niche is about making pretty things and a goldmine of opportunities for creative entrepreneurs.

Like other highly profitable niches, DIY enthusiasts are some of the most passionate people you’ll ever meet.

They’re active participants who love to share their own creations and experiences.

Imagine building a tribe of like-minded makers who hang on your every word (or stitch, or brushstroke).

The DIY world is also about collaboration.

Teaming up with other creators can expand your reach fast.

It’s like cross-pollination for your channel.

You bring your paper crafting skills, they bring their woodworking expertise, and boom!

You’ve both tapped into a whole new audience.

In terms of monetization possibilities, this niche can be seriously lucrative.

Since you’re not just sharing tutorials, you can start selling DIY kits or supplies.

These kits are needed for your audience to follow along and create their own stuff.

Or how about offering online workshops for those who want to dive deeper?

And let’s not forget about affiliate marketing with craft-related products.

But here’s the cherry on top: sponsored content.

Craft brands are always on the lookout for authentic voices to showcase their products.

If you play your cards right, you could be unboxing the latest and greatest crafting gadgets—and getting paid for it!

You might be wondering, “Is there really that much interest in DIY?”

Yes. We’re living in a golden age of handmade and personalized items.

People are craving unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect their personality.

And guess who they’re turning to for inspiration and know-how?

That’s right—DIY YouTubers just like you!

9. Food and Cooking

Food and Cooking

Hungry for success on YouTube?

Well, grab your apron and preheat the oven, because I’m about to dish out the secret sauce of the food and cooking niche!

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t the food space on YouTube oversaturated?”

In a nutshell, no.

The beauty of food content is its universal appeal.

Everyone eats, right?

And let me tell you, people can’t get enough of watching others whip up delicious dishes.

But here’s where it gets really juicy.

The monetization opportunities in this niche are plentiful.

Imagine publishing your very own cookbook, filled with the recipes that made your viewers drool.

Or how about hosting exclusive cooking classes for your most dedicated followers?

And let’s not forget about brand collaborations for recipe development.

You can also go deep into partnerships.

Food and kitchen product companies are always open to having (the right) content creators represent their products.

The best part of this?

You get paid to play with cool kitchen gadgets!

The sheer variety of content you can create is another factor within the food and cooking niche.

One day you’re mastering the perfect soufflé, the next you’re attempting the world’s spiciest hot wing challenge.

From elegant cooking shows to hilarious food fails, the possibilities are endless.

“But I’m not a professional chef!”

Well, guess what?

You don’t have to be!

People love authenticity.

They want to see real people cooking real food.

Your imperfections?

That’s your secret ingredient!

10. Parenting and Family

Ever feel like you’re on a rollercoaster ride called parenthood?

As a new dad, I know what that feels like.

Parenting can be a real emotional whirlwind.

One minute you’re beaming with pride at your boy’s first steps, the next you’re pulling your hair out over a toddler tantrum.

But here’s the kicker: you’re not alone in this crazy adventure (unless you choose to be).

Your YouTube audience can be there along the way!

By sharing your triumphs and tribulations, you’re not just creating content—you’re building a tribe of fellow parents who get it.

And boy, do these parents stick around!

The best part is that as your kids grow, so does your audience.

You become a trusted voice that parents turn to again and again.

But what about money-based opportunities?

If you have any experience with babies, you know their products are expensive!

And while it’s tough as a parent, it is great as an affiliate marketer.

It’s also great for sponsored content showcasing family-friendly products.

How about creating your line of family-oriented merchandise?

I can see myself creating some “World’s Okayest Dad” t-shirts eventually.

All I’m saying is that the possibilities are endless.

11. Fashion and Lifestyle

You might be wondering, “Can I really make money just by looking good?”

You sure can.

When you create fashion-based content, you’re not just showcasing your style.

You’re building a personal brand that can endorse products fast.

All the usual monetization methods apply as well.

Affiliate marketing, sponsored content, ads. All possible.

You could even (eventually) run your own online fashion boutique or offer styling services.

Think of it as not just influencing fashion.

Instead, you become a fashion mogul.

Your unique style is your superpower.

Whether you’re a minimalist maven or want to look your best each time you go out of the house, there’s an audience for it.

An audience you can make your own.

Also, consider this.

Fashion and lifestyle enthusiasts are passionate trendsetters.

They live for the latest looks and lifestyle hacks.

They’re not just watching your videos; they’re taking notes, shopping your recommendations, and returning for more.

And when you’re looking to make money through your YouTube content, you can’t ask for a better audience.

12. Digital Marketing and Online Business

Digital Marketing and Online Business

Since you’re reading this article, you understand that digital marketing isn’t just another buzzword.

This niche is exploding fast.

And this means new people enter the industry every day.

People that you can cater to.

Imagine building yourself up as the go-to guru in this field.

There are so many opportunities as well.

You could earn money through consulting gigs, affiliate marketing for cool tools, or even creating your own online courses.

These are all things I’ve done over the years.

The profit potential is amazing in all of these.

Put all the opportunities together and you can really win in this industry.

You can also team up with other digital marketing wizards, and watch your reach skyrocket.

I’d say the best part is that you can also help others (in all sorts of industries) hit their goals.

And when they win, you win as well.

13. Pet Care and Training

Pet care isn’t about uploading cute kitten videos.

It’s about building a YouTube channel that educates (and yes, also entertains) pet owners worldwide.

Whether it’s basic care tips or advanced training techniques, there’s lots to cover.

And just like your pets might wag their tails with excitement, so might you when you realize the opportunities in this industry.

Opportunities like:

  • Selling pet toys, foods, clothes and more.
  • Educational product recommendations.
  • Helping others train their pets based on your expertise.

The list goes on.

It’s not just about the money though.

You can also do a whole lot of good in the pet world.

Team up with pet shelters, veterinarians, or other pet influencers.

Bring to light the good they’re doing and the animals whose lives are better as a result.

When you share the story behind a brand, your audience will grow faster than a Great Dane puppy.

14. Home Improvement and Interior Design

Let’s talk about transforming spaces.

The home improvement and interior design niche isn’t just about fresh paint and throw pillows.

It’s a canvas for self-expression.

Imagine showcasing your DIY skills or design flair to an audience hungry for inspiration.

Instant rise to the top as an expert!

And here’s the best part: this niche is a visual feast, perfect for the YouTube platform.

But it’s not just about pretty pictures.

Homeowners and renters alike are constantly seeking ways to better their living spaces.

They’re hungry to learn how to live in better spaces and improve their lifestyle.

And that’s where you (and your recommendations) come in.

You can drop in your affiliate links and make money when people purchase stuff.

You can also join forces with big-name brands for sponsored projects.

The possibilities are endless.

15. Self-Improvement and Motivation

Self-Improvement and Motivation

Ready to unlock your audience’s potential?

The self-improvement and motivation niche is more than just feel-good quotes and vision boards.

It’s a powerhouse of transformation waiting to be tapped.

And it’s a niche where viewers can pick and choose what resonates with them.

And the best part?

As your audience evolves, so can your content.

You’re never forced to stay in one tiny area of the market.

Instead, you’re free to move around as you evolve and mature.

The money-making opportunities in this niche are also great.

Community building, online courses and affiliate recommendations are just the tip of the iceberg.

Diving into the self-improvement and motivation niche could be a great idea if you want to become a catalyst for change.

Who knows?

You might just inspire the next big innovator or thought leader.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Are you an aspiring YouTuber, just starting and feeling lost in the vast sea of content creators?

Maybe you’re wondering how to choose a niche that will make you some money.

Or perhaps you’re trying to figure out how to build an audience that’ll stick around for more than just one video.

Or maybe you’re already an established YouTuber with a decent following who wants to take things to the next level.

You might be considering branching out into new content areas or finding ways to maximize the profit potential of your existing channel.

And let’s not forget about the businesses out there.

Are you a company looking to dip your toes into the YouTube advertising world?

You’re probably keen to understand just:

  • How powerful this platform can be
  • How to find your target audience and most importantly
  • How to measure if your investment is paying off.

Here’s the bottom line: if you’re confused about who you’re speaking to in your niche, your message will be everywhere.

And that’s not a good thing.

Different creators need to speak to their audience differently.

By tailoring your videos to a specific audience, you’re likelier to create stuff that resonates with viewers.

So, before we proceed, consider who you’re really trying to reach with your content – no matter which niche you’re into.

Trust me, it’ll make all the difference in the world.

Evaluating Niche Profitability

So, how do you know if a niche will be profitable?

First, consider your competition.

You want enough people to make it interesting, but not so many that you get lost in a sea of creators.

Take a look at how many channels are specifically already doing what you want to do.

How many subscribers do they have?

How many views are their videos getting?

If it feels like there’s a YouTuber on every corner in your niche focusing on your small corner of the market, it might be a bit crowded.

But don’t let that scare you off completely.

It just means you’ll need to bring something extra special to the table!

Next, think about your potential audience.

How many people are interested in what you want to talk about?

Google Trends is your friend here—it’s like a crystal ball that shows you what people are searching for.

If you see that interest in your topic is growing, that’s a good sign.

It’s like catching a wave—you want to ride it while it’s on the up!

Finally, let’s talk money.

Ad rates are important—they’re basically how much advertisers are willing to pay to put their ads on your videos.

Higher ad rates mean more cha-ching in your pocket.

It’s worth doing some digging to find out what kind of rates you might expect in your niche.

But here’s the thing—ads aren’t the only way to make money on YouTube.

There’s a whole world of monetization out there!


  • Sponsorships (where brands pay you to mention their products)
  • Merchandise (because who doesn’t want a t-shirt with your face on it?)
  • Affiliate marketing (where you get a cut when your viewers buy stuff you recommend)
  • Online Courses (what’s stopping you from sharing your knowledge in a longer course?)
  • And Much more.

The more income streams you have, the more money you can make.


Picking a profitable niche is kind of like choosing a career.

You want something in demand that has room for growth and can support you financially.

But don’t forget to consider something you have expertise in and are passionate about.

You’ll be spending a lot of time on this topic, so combining all these data points makes sense before making your decision.

Further reading on AdamEnfroy.com: If you want more inspiration on YouTube content, check out these faceless YouTube channel ideas perfect for introverts.

You can also dive into various YouTube lifestyle video ideas to keep your content fresh.

For an extensive list of creative concepts, explore the ultimate list of YouTube video ideas.

Curious about earnings?

Learn about how much YouTubers make and see what the top creators are bringing in.

Additionally, for a niche-focused approach, here are some of the best video ideas for girls to help you stand out on the platform.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.