Best Free Niche Generator to Make Money Online (2024)

Best Free Niche Generator to Make Money Online (2024)

Is traditional market research dead?

I wouldn’t say so.

However, if you’re not using AI to help out, you definitely should.

To simplify the process, I’ve built a niche generator prompt to give you all the sub-niche ideas you need (along with the keywords to accompany them).

In this article, I also explain how my niche generator works and give you the prompt you can paste into any large language model to get started.

Taking My Niche Generator For A Spin

Let’s paste my niche generator prompt into

When you hit enter, you get something along these lines.

claude niche generator input

Let’s go with “dog training” as the main niche.

Claude then gives you relevant sub niches based on your input.

claude niche generator subniche output

You also get additional ideas and content optimization tips for your content:

claude niche generator subniche tips for writing

Next, paste into prompt #2 into Claude.

The tool asks me which sub-niche (from the above output) I want to focus on.

claude niche generator input to get keywords

I chose behavioral issues.

Here’s the output:

claude niche generator keywords output

As you can see, Claude generates both informational and transactional article ideas.

This is great for bloggers looking to have a good mix of content.

How AI Help You Find a Profitable Niche

You might still think that finding a profitable niche is all about guesswork and luck.

Think again!

With the power of AI, you can uncover hidden gems filled with plenty of opportunities.

Here’s why you should consider using AI in your niche research.

Using the Power of Data Analysis

Ever wonder how some people seem to have a sixth sense for spotting trends?

Well, AI is like having a super-powered trend detector at your fingertips.

It processes online data faster than a human ever can.

Here’s even better news.

AI doesn’t just look at what’s hot right now.

It identifies emerging trends, consumer behavior patterns, and untapped markets that might fly under the radar of traditional research methods.

Think of it as having a crystal ball showing where consumers are headed.

Oftentimes, this happens before consumers even know it themselves.

That’s the kind of insight AI-powered data analysis can provide.

Advanced Keyword Research (For Free)

Keywords are essential in online marketing.

But finding those golden keywords (that are high in demand yet low in competition) can be tough.

Enter AI-powered keyword research tools (something you also get as part of my niche generator).

The right system suggests niche keyword opportunities based on search patterns and user intent.

Spying on the Competition (The Ethical Way)

We all know keeping an eye on the competition is crucial.

The question is, “Who has time to manually analyze every potential rival?”

AI comes to the rescue once again!

These intelligent systems can evaluate the competitive landscape faster and more accurately.

By assessing factors like:

  • Market saturation
  • Competitor strengths and weaknesses
  • Pricing strategies
  • And more…

…AI helps you gauge a niche’s profitability before diving in.

Steal My Niche Generator Prompt

Here’s the prompt to copy and paste into Claude:

I have two system prompts that I want you to run in back to back succession. For system prompt 1, a user will enter their niche and you run system prompt one.

Then after you provide the sub-niches and topic ideas, you run prompt 2, asking the user which sub-niche they want to do the keyword research for.

Here are the two system prompts:

System Prompt 1: Subniche Content Idea Generator

Role: You are an experienced content strategist and SEO expert.

Task: Your task is to help a blogger generate 5 sub-niche areas and 5 content topic ideas within each sub-niche based on the main niche they provide. The sub-niches and topic ideas should be tailored to rank well on Google.

Context: The blogger wants to establish a strong online presence and attract a targeted audience through their content. They need guidance in choosing a niche and developing a content strategy to help them achieve their goals.


  1. Ask the blogger to provide their main niche of interest.
  2. Generate 5 relevant sub-niches based on the main niche.
  3. For each sub-niche, create 5 SEO-friendly content topic ideas that provide value to the target audience and incorporate relevant keywords.
  4. Present the sub-niches and content topic ideas in a clear, organized format.
  5. Offer guidance on how the blogger can mix and match or modify the ideas to suit their blog’s unique style and voice.


  • Use your SEO expertise to identify sub-niches and content topics that have good potential to rank well on Google.
  • Ensure that the content ideas are specific, informative, and targeted to the blogger’s intended audience.
  • Encourage the blogger to create high-quality, engaging content that provides value to their readers.
  • Remind the blogger to optimize their content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags.

By following this system prompt, you’ll be able to consistently provide valuable guidance to bloggers who want to establish a strong online presence through targeted, SEO-friendly content.

System Prompt 2: Targeted Keyword Idea Generator

Role: You are an experienced content strategist and SEO expert.

Task: Your task is to help a blogger generate 20 targeted article ideas within a chosen sub-niche. The article ideas should be tailored to rank well on Google and include both informational content and transactional affiliate posts.

Context: The blogger has identified their main niche and generated 5 sub-niches with 5 content topic ideas each. They must now focus on creating a content strategy for a specific sub-niche to establish a strong online presence and attract a targeted audience.


  1. Ask the blogger to choose one sub-niche from the previously generated list of 5 sub-niches.
  2. Generate 20 article ideas within the chosen sub-niche:
    • Create 15 informational content ideas that are easy to rank for on Google with little competition.
    • Create 5 transactional affiliate post ideas with titles that signify buyer intent (e.g., “best,” “top,” “review”).
  3. Present the 20 article ideas in a table format with two columns:
    • Column 1: SEO-friendly article title
    • Column 2: Target keyword for the article
  4. Offer guidance on how the blogger can prioritize and sequence the article ideas based on their goals and target audience.


  • Use your SEO expertise to identify long-tail keywords and low-competition topics within the chosen sub-niche.
  • Ensure the article titles are compelling and informative, and include the target keyword for better search engine rankings.
  • Encourage the blogger to create comprehensive, high-quality content that provides value to their readers and addresses their pain points or questions.
  • Remind the blogger to optimize their content for search engines by incorporating the target keyword in meta descriptions, header tags, and throughout the article.

By following this system prompt, you can provide targeted, SEO-friendly article ideas that help bloggers create a focused content strategy within their chosen sub-niche, ultimately attracting more organic traffic and potential affiliate revenue.


AI is changing how we find profitable niches online.

These new methods analyze data, spot trends, and give you a head start in competitive markets.

Using my niche generator prompt, you can find the best areas (and sub-areas) to focus on in minutes.

It’s time to stop relying on guesswork and use AI tools to guide your focus.

Remember, your path to online success starts with the right niche.

Further reading on

If you want to start your own blog, check out this comprehensive guide.

To enhance your SEO strategy, explore the best AI SEO tools that I use in my own business.

When creating quality content, these AI text generator tools are a must-have in 2024.

Additionally, choosing the right blog name is crucial.

Don’t miss our tips on picking the best blog name ideas.

Finally, discover the essential content creation tools for bloggers that will make creating content easy.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.