YouTube AI Script Generator: Get a Free Outline (2024)

YouTube AI Script Generator: Get a Free Outline (2024)

How do you currently transform a raw idea into a ready-to-go YouTube script?

Say you:

  • open a blank document
  • type in your idea and
  • then wait for inspiration.

As time starts ticking, panic sets in. Distractions arise. Still no inspiration.

Before you know it, you’re browsing unrelated YouTube videos (under the guise of getting inspired).

Soon your idea is long forgotten – as you’re off watching a marathon of unrelated videos.

Ready to say “no more forgotten ideas?”

Enter my new YouTube AI script generator to solve all YouTube scripting problems.

I have a YouTube channel with 200k+ subscribers.

I know what makes a great YouTube script so you can trust me as I share my discovery below.

And if you want to skip ahead to the AI prompt (without getting into the details), click here.

My YouTube Script Generator

When you paste the prompt into, the tool will ask you to provide the desired video topic:

claude ai input

The A.I. will then get to work and provide an output divided into sections.

Here’s the intro for the topic “how to build a computer”:

claude ai answer - intro

Next, there’s the main content outline:

claude ai answer - main content

This keeps going on and on – let’s say you have plenty of ideas for your video.

Finally, you get the conclusion:

claude ai answer - conclusion

And that’s how you create professional YouTube videos with a single prompt.

What Do You Get Out of a YouTube Script Generator?

When creating YouTube content, a script generator can be a game-changer.

This type of generator is valuable if you’ve ever found yourself staring at a blank page, struggling to develop your video scripts.

First, let me say that many (would-be) content creators face this challenge.

In many cases, it’s also the reason they abandon their YouTube channel before getting started.

And that’s one of the main reasons a YouTube script generator is handy.

A YouTube script generator works well after a video idea generator.

These two combine well to save precious time on scriptwriting.

No more spending hours wondering:

  • what the best intro should be
  • how to transition to the main content
  • what the best way to close your videos is.

Even better, you’ll know that your YouTube script is actually high in quality.

Any large language model (like has been trained on billions of data parameters.

This advanced training means it can differentiate between good and bad YouTube scripts.

The final result?

Improved video engagement and performance.

And these lead to more views, subscribers, and yes, even revenue.

Writing Effective YouTube Scripts

Looking to have even better YouTube scripts?

Use the following tips to take the generated A.I. content and make it your own.

Storytelling is Key

You want to hook your audience immediately with a compelling introduction.

Think about how you can develop relatable characters and build an engaging narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Want to make it even better?

Throw in some challenges and show how your main characters (you or others) overcome these challenges.

This is what keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

And remember, connecting emotionally with your audience through your story can create a deeper, more lasting impact.

The best part is using this storytelling framework in any video topic.

Even if you’re talking about building a computer, you can discuss how you:

  • failed multiple times
  • spent thousands of dollars (which felt like flushing money down the train) and
  • learned several valuable lessons along the way.

Everyone loves a good story filled with challenges you managed to overcome.

Script Structure

Structure matters a lot on YouTube.

A good YouTube script has a clear format as I discussed above.

Pay attention to pacing – you want a nice balance of fast and slow moments to keep viewers engaged.

Don’t forget about the visual elements either.

Think about how different shots, angles, and transitions can enhance your video.

Consider the ideal script length based on your video format, industry, and target audience.

The good news is that YouTube users are (generally) there to learn.

They want to take the time to be educated, meaning you can go deep on your subject matter in your videos.

Voice and Tone

Your voice and tone are crucial elements of your script.

Make sure your script aligns with your channel’s overall personality and messaging.

Tailor your language to resonate with your target demographic, but always stay authentic.

Viewers can spot insincerity a mile away, so keep it genuine to build trust.

And whatever voice you choose, stick with it consistently across all your videos.

Call to Action (CTA)

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of a good call to action (CTA).

Be clear and concise about what you want viewers to do.

Is it liking, subscribing, commenting, sharing or going to your website?

Place these CTAs strategically throughout your video for maximum impact.

You might test including different CTAs to increase overall engagement.

Just make sure you clearly communicate the benefits of taking the desired action.

Steal My YouTube Script Generator AI Prompt

Here’s the full prompt to enter into Claude:

System Prompt:

Your role is an AI YouTube script generator that helps content creators develop engaging and informative video scripts for their YouTube channels.


When a user provides their desired video topic, generate a comprehensive YouTube script outline tailored to their needs. The outline should include the following elements:

  • A fully scripted intro (30 seconds) that grabs the viewer’s attention, speaks to the target audience, and encourages them to watch the entire video using the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework. Include a brief personal story or experience related to the topic to build a connection with the audience.
  • A call-to-action (CTA) placeholder after the introduction, prompting the content creator to mention an affiliate link, product, or resource relevant to the video topic.
  • A detailed outline of the main points to be covered in the video, including:
    • Subheadings for each main section
    • Brief explanations of each subheading
    • On-screen elements (e.g., examples, animations, or demonstrations) to support each point
    • Personal experiences or anecdotes related to the topic to enhance relatability
  • A scripted conclusion (30-60 seconds) that:
    • Summarizes the key takeaways from the video
    • Encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and engage with the content
    • Includes another CTA placeholder for the content creator’s affiliate link or product

When generating the script outline, consider the context of the video topic and target audience. Adapt the language, explanations, and examples to suit the intended viewer demographic and their level of expertise.

Provide the content creator with a well-structured, engaging, and informative script outline that they can use as a foundation for creating a successful YouTube video on their chosen topic.

The user will initiate the script generation process by entering their desired video topic.


The above YouTube AI script generator is a powerful tool for any content creator.

It saves time, boosts creativity, and helps you create engaging videos effortlessly.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned YouTuber, this tool can greatly improve your content creation process.

Further reading on

Looking for more ways to enhance your YouTube content?

Explore these ChatGPT prompts for YouTube scripts.

And if you’re searching for top video tools, check out the best AI video generator tools for stunning videos.

Interested in monetizing your content?

Learn how to make money on YouTube with AI and make your channel profitable.

Finally, you can use AI YouTube video summarizers to get more out of any video content.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.